Wednesday, 27 July 2011


Today we had a visit from Brenda who is a PhD Research Student. Dignity Therapy has been used with Cancer patients and now they are trialing it on MND patients. Roger was asked to participate in the study and agreed. He will be answering lots of questions and putting together some of his life story. Our children have encouraged Rog to write down some of his story, but he hasn't, so this is a wonderful opportunity to get something down in writing. It promises to be a very interesting time, but also a painful time as questions are asked and answered and memories recalled.

The next visit from Brenda will be on Friday. I don't have to be here with Roger. I think it will be good for him to be on his own with Brenda. She is a lovely lady and very gentle. Just the person to be doing this sort of things.

Some of the questions asked:

Tell me a little about your life history; particularly the parts that you either remember most or think are the most important? When did you feel most alive?

Are there specific things that you would want your family to know about you, and are there particular things you would want them to remember?

I'll keep you posted on how it all goes.

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