Monday, 9 March 2009


We invited 4 of the young men from our German (FeG) Church for Sunday Aussie Roast yesterday. Johnny also came and joined in the fun. I had to get home after Church and put the chicken in the oven and cook all the lovely roast vegies - potato, pumpkin (at great expense found in Migro in Basel but actually from France !!), sweet potato, cauli cheese, parsnip, carrot and beans. Then I made a Butterscotch self saucing pudding with ice cream which was - YUM YUM and thoroughly enjoyed by everyone. Joshua had to race off early which was a shame, but we did have a great time together. Once again it made me realise how much I miss our kids and Sunday roast together. So we are going to try and do this every 6 weeks if possible. Here are a few photo's for you to enjoy.

back l - r Joshua and Peter. Matthias in wheelchair, Ruben

Admiring the scene outside our loungeroom window!!

Peter visiting the kitchen to check on things!!

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