Thursday, 22 January 2009


In the last address that Erwin McManus gave, we heard him talking about the "three places" Christ followers go, or can go. Telling us his basis for his address about places, Erwin read from the book of Acts chapter 9 about Paul's experience of relating to other Jewish and non-Jewish people in the city of Corinth.

The first place Paul was in was the Syngagogue (related today to the gathering place of Christ followers, namely the Church). His second place was the Market Square, the public space where people met and ideas were exchanged. Today it might be a pub, the beach or the coffee shop. His third place was when he was invited "led by the hand" to the meeting place of the philosophers so that they could hear more about Paul's strange teaching. Today this third place is the party, the dinner celebration or club where you need an "invite" to go.

In our 'Church without walls' ministry that we are starting, we have no first place in contrast to most Christians who only serve in the Church (the first place). Our second place is Centrepoint and other places like the Choir, Hiking group or Film/Interest group we start/join in. We spend most of our ministry in this second place.

We have been privileged to be invited to third places on a fairly regular basis. Often we are two among several invitees. We are not necessarily the Paul as shown in Acts 9, but we have some opportunity to share more deeply with people.

Where do you "hang out" in your ministry? All Christ followers are in ministry/service? Where do you have most of your in-depth conversations? Are they with fellow followers of Christ, or with those who are not yet followers of Christ?

We would love to hear your responses to this! Please leave a comment.

In the cause of Christ,

1 comment:

Joce said...

I think that you should have told everyone that you're going to be Spreken de Deutsch at the end of this week!!! ;)