Thursday 3 May 2007

"The Shaping of Things to Come"

One of our team members mentioned the above book by Mike Frost and Alan Hirsch. They had been encouraged to listen to a series of talks by Mike Frost on "Unless a Seed Falls" or read the book "The Shaping of Things to Come". If anyone is interested, here is the link for the talks. Good stuff, but radical for our time BUT IT SHOULDN'T BE. We are listening to them for the second time, now as 5 people together. One of our small group is a German, so doesn't get some of the Aussie humour by Mike!

Just yesterday we received a present from a young friend in Adelaide - a book, "The Forgotten Ways", by Alan Hirsch. Roger is currently CONSUMING it.

The challenge for our team is to 'get out there' where the people are and be radical for Jesus. Not the way we have been used to doing things! Roger and I have tried various things in the past e.g. after school club, befriending the local footy club, etc but we have never gone far enough.

I need Roger to comment. He would be a lot more theological!! I will encourage him to blog next week!!

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