Our dear friend Kevin visited us for 2 nights on his way home to Basel. What an absolute treat it was for us both, and though Roger was quite unwell with hayfever, we were able to have good chats and we did manage to get down to one of our favourite restaurants "The Naked Fig" for Tapas late Saturday afternoon.
Thank you Kevin for being so loving and understanding of our situation and fitting in so beautifully as we struggle with all the grief that Motor Neurone Disease brings to our lives each day. You truly are a very special friend and we are so glad you were able to visit us and bring joy into our lives at this difficult time.
Kevin and Roger outside The Naked Fig looking out over the Indian Ocean and the beautiful sunset after a very ordinary day weather wise!
My poor darling has totally been inflicted by hayfever and it is making his, and our, lives a misery. I must say it has given a whole new meaning to hayfever as Roger struggles with Motor Neurone Disease. He coughed uncontrollably for 3 days and I just didn't know who to turn to. No-one seemed to understand our situation and we were both so tired and beside ourselves with lack of sleep. In Perth we have had such good rain that there is so much pollen around at the moment and many people are suffering as never before.We are enjoying our new bathroom and have now got everything back in order. The house is looking good actually, especially as we have now completed the front small garden as well. We even have a picket fence that needs to be painted!
Roger spent 17 days in Bethesda and he was treated with much care and dignity each day. The care and nursing was exemplary and this made Roger's stay enjoyable and gave him a feeling of being safe.For me it meant I could get things done, that are otherwise difficult as I care for Roger, and I felt I didn't have to visit him everyday as he was being taken care of in a wonderful way.We just want to say a big thank you to the nursing staff at Bethesda who are very special people caring for people experiencing deep sadness in their lives.THANK YOU FROM ROGER AND GAYNOR
Our beloved GEELONG CATS were in the AFL (Australian Football League) Grand Final last Saturday afternoon. Paul picked Roger up from Bethesda and brought him home to watch the game - just the 3 of us (but we made enough noise for a crowd!!). We enjoyed watching a great game of footy, great food and each other's company. We all wore our Geelong tops to Church the next day! What a hoot!!