It is Sunday night 28 November and the days are certainly racing by. We have just said goodbye to dear friends after a lovely meal together. We met David and Sue a few months after we married in 1976 and they have been good friends ever since. Sue has just been diagnosed with breast cancer and we are truly feeling for her at this uncertain time. It puts things into perspective for us and makes us realize we are not the only ones going through difficult days.
Roger is doing quite well, though he is getting slower and doesn't have as much energy and takes a long time to eat his meals. He needs to have smaller meals 6 times a day, but I am finding it hard to adjust to this routine. I had a good chat with a friend in Adelaide last night and she is going to help me find some good recipes to make adjustments for Roger. I am so blessed to have such good friends to call out for help, and also friends who respond to a cry for help as well.
Roger has been driving and enjoying the freedom this brings. I do not feel confident driving with him (except when we go on a long straight drive - like to my sister's farm in Hyden). He now needs to surrender his license and have driving lessons (ridiculous) and will be given a driving knob to help him to be able to drive. But until he surrenders his license he can still drive around. Oh my goodness!!
Roger has seen a Speech Therapist and had a good chat about what is going on in his mouth. His tongue is losing muscle, but the rest of the muscles in his mouth are good. His speech is not as clear as it used to be and sometimes I find it hard to understand him. He definitely can't talk and eat at the same time these days.
I need great patience with all that is going on, and I am not always the most patient person. I seem to be on a steep learning curve in every way and sometimes it is all too much. But I do know I am a strong person and I also know that my loving Heavenly Father is walking right beside me each moment of every day. I would not cope if I didn’t have my faith in God.
We have found a lovely Christian Community about 6 minutes from where we live and we have been there twice so far. Everyone is warm and friendly and we feel very much at home already. It is a shame we will be going over East for a month and will lose this connection for a month. But at least we know we have these lovely people to come home to. We know we will be very much supported here in the months to come.
Well, we have just lost power again. It seems to be a regular occurrence here, probably because people are using their air conditioners!! (It has been 34C the last couple of days and more to come). I will copy and past into a Word document and post this tomorrow.