We arrived in Perth on Tuesday 14 September. We had a really good flight from Frankfurt via Kuala Lumpur (spent 3 hrs there) with everything going smoothly. We didn't really sleep on the flight but were no worse for wear on our arrival. We didn't have jetlag, which was good.
On Wed. 15 Sept we visited a Dr so that we could get a referral for Roger to see a Neurologist. The Dr was very lovely and understanding of our situation. We have chosen well.
On Thurs 16 Sept we visited the Neurologist. My sister Irene came with us. The Neuro started the process of Roger getting therapy help at Shenton Park Rehab.
The following week we had a visit from a nurse care advisor from the Motor Neurone Society. This was a most helpful visit for us. We will be attending an information afternoon on Thursday 28 October. Roger will also give a blood sample for research.
We have been in Perth nearly 5 weeks now and each week we have had either Dr's visits or some other paper work to undertake. But things are coming together for us here and we are beginning to feel a little better about the upheaval of moving here.
We are looking at a little unit to buy. Trying to sort out whether we can afford this or not is taking up a bit of our time. Hopefully it will be worth it.
As you know, Roger is getting worse not better. The sad part about Motor Neurone Disease, particularly at the beginning, is that the person does look so well. Roger is really well, but he is losing weight (now 74kgs) and his left arm is almost useless. His left leg is growing weaker and weaker. He is amazingly positive and determined and I admire him for that.
I will try and keep you posted here on how things are going for us.