We decided if we really were going to try and improve our German it would be best to do an Intensive course AND to leave the house to do this so we didn't have any distractions!! We are fortunate to know Allen and Annette Broome who run The King's School of Languages. They teach English, German, Spanish, French and Latin. Their school is 45minutes drive from our place, but of course we got there on the train and bus. We were able to stay in a family run Pensione (B & B) for the 4 nights, which wasn't too expensive.
Roger had 3 hour (1 on 1) lessons Tuesday to Saturday and I had 2 hour lessons the same days. This worked well for us both with Allen teaching Roger and Annette being very patient with me. I must say I am feeling a lot more confident and Annette has explained quite a bit to me, which I must now put into practise.