What an absolute THRILL it was to have Mary a'Beckett (Snowball) visit us for 3 days from 18 - 21 January. As Glenda and Tom were still with us, it was a bit like sleeping in a dormitory, but it was lots of fun and we managed in our little home.
It was good for Mary to see firsthand a little of what we are trying to do here amongst English speaking people. Mary travelled with us to a 'Seed' network afternoon led by Derek Webster, which was held in Zurich. Mary did not join in for the afternoon, but instead enjoyed a good walk on Lake Zurich and a rather hefty climb back up to the Conference Centre. She was also able to meet Derek Webster, and this for us was exciting as Mary is a member of our Support Group in Adelaide and has been with us from the beginning as we had our initial discussions with Derek.
Saturday night we celebrated Tom's 25th Birthday with a Roast Dinner and cheesecake and special bottle of wine! Mary felt privileged to be 'in the bosom of the family!!'.
Sunday morning Mary came to the German (FeG) Church that we attend in Loerrach. She has eventually made sense of FeG and what that stands for Free Evangelical Church. (Mary took a photo of the sign)! I'm sorry I didn't get a copy. Maybe I should take a photo myself!
In the afternoon Glenda and Mary accompanied us to our Mosaic get together at FeG. We were so pleased they both attended to give them an idea of what we get up to each week.
Thanks Mary for a special visit, for your love and encouragement and especially your prayers.