Tuesday, 10 June 2008


We had our first Nooma Night at Starbucks in Basel on 27 May. Initially these will be held once a month, the next being 24 June at the same location. The purpose of these evenings is to gather together people with the aim of friendship and being able to practise German/English in a friendly environment.

Our friend Cheryl, who works for the Bible Society in South Australia first sent us some NOOMA DVD's by Rob Bell for Christmas 2006. Since then we have gathered quite a collection and we are hoping to use these as a tool for beginning conversations on spiritual issues.

This is what is says on the back of the NOOMA DVD

"We can get anything we want, from anywhere in the world, whenever we want it. That's how it is and that's how we want it to be. Still, our lives aren't any different than other generations before us. Our time is. We want spiritual direction, but it has to be real for us and available when we need it. We want a new format for getting Christian perspectives. NOOMA is the new format. It's short films with communicators that really speak to us. Compact, portable, and concise. Each NOOMA touches on issues that we care about, that we want to talk about, and it comes in a way that fits our world. It's a format that's there for us when we need it, as we need it, how we need it."


I did try to copy and paste the nice brochure Derek has made for these events, but it just wasn't working for me - so my apologies!

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