Sunday, 10 February 2008

Week beginning 11 February

This week in Basel is Carnival (what they call Fasnacht). It is 3 days of celebrations which happen every year. It is school holidays in Basel. Many of the shops close and it seems to be one big party. Roger and I are not feeling like partying. Maybe next year!

So here is a brief description of what we think our week will look like. Roger is still unwell so will try and lie low for the next couple of days. I just hope I don't get sick. It's just not in this week's plans at all.

Monday - Gaynor on the train at 8.15am going to help a friend in need.

- friends coming in the afternoon for a small hike and then dinner together - Roger cooking!

Tuesday - we are really hoping to have this day off together!

Wednesday - administration, phone calls and hoping to catch up with an Aussie friend.

Thursday - both off to Basel for Deutsch learning but in different directions

- Gaynor continues her writing course at Centrepoint in Basel in the evening (6 week course)

Friday - Centrepoint morning tea, visiting contacts and then at the German Youth Group in the evening. We want to have more contact with these gorgeous young people.

Saturday - Roger will be helping a friend at a German Christian School.

Will let you know how it all goes. Do email us if you have any questions. We'd love to hear from you.

Roger and Gaynor

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